(no subject)

Jul 29, 2004 21:25

a little smattering along the political strain, tonight. i just watched the kerry speech during the democratic convention.
the bush administration has been holding us captive by choosing emotionally charged issues to focus on. ex: abortion (not really an issue. the babbling lifers w/ signs vs. the babbling choicers w/ signs) and gay marriage (sadly, marriage licensing is solely by discretion of the state. it is not a federal level issue.). so, with our blinders on and our hearts a pumping we fight and scream while the current administration slowly but surely dismantles the epa environmental standards and tweaks the constitution just so.

today i went for a bike ride with my family. i went with my cousins mark (13) and mackenzie (11) and my mother, aunt gail, and uncle dave. it was the most strenuous physical activity i've done in quite a while (i decided to go on the rockier mountain biking trail). it felt very good to sweat and groan and hear the grind of the tires against the dirt. after the bike ride we went swimming in this strange freshwater spring and i found a beat up poloroid of an unidentifiable yellow blob. we threw rocks and struggled with group/family digital pictures. aunt jo'annes house next. we ate food that my mom cooked and i played guitar soft on the porch. listened to a man named gypsy a faded harley shirt and starched new jeans laugh about dirt and traveling 'round. he smelled like brass belt buckles and american spirit cigarettes.

now i'm home. with an aunt in the construction workers union and a mother in the telephone workers union. with a republican grandfather who beat me at a footrace when i was 14. with a democrat grandmother that teaches me how to do the jitterbug every christmas. with an aunt and uncle that live in connecticut childless, with horses. with an aunt and uncle that live in kentucky, three kids and four stories. with cousins that ask me about things... that ask me how it's gonna be. now i'm home.
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