"It's as if the kettle's killed itself rather than be used by me..."

Apr 21, 2006 00:13

Boom Shanka!

I am amazingly tired, and I still have to do pilates before I can go to bed. Oh poo.

Day 128 to 135

Day 128 April 13th

Listened to Lionel Davis speak at Assumption. It was inspiring. Kaitlin sat next to me during it, and I was dying from my cold, so I drank from her bottle, and in doing so, probably got mono from her. It’s been a week exactly, and Muzzer tells me there is a ten day incubation time until it kicks in. I really hope I don’t have it.

Day 129 April 14th

Day One of doing Winsor Pilates. Ashamed of my weight (and my feet - why exactly do they look so ghastly in picutes?). Winsor Pilates is guaranteed to help me loose a dress size in ten days. Which, so far, has proven to be true, my Sex Pistols pants aren’t as tight as they were last week, and my abs have decided to make a reappearance.

Day 130 April 15th

Sitting in my room, reading X-men Evolution fanfiction with the window open, warm spring air drifting in, and Squirrel there to block it all. It’s a good thing she’s cute or I’d have had to kick her out.

Day 131 April 16th

A Jelly Belly SOS. Well, I tried to. But even with all those delectable flavours (especially since I picked out all the flavours myself), I ate two and I wanted to throw up everywhere. Oh, the woes of being sick. I felt so exhausted. I hope I don’t have mono.

Day 132 April 17th

Pilates on the floor.

Day 133 April 18th

Day One of sewing my kimono.

Day 134 April 19th

Proof at how beastly my leg hair is. Some hairs measured longer than a centimetre, which is gravely alarming. It’s so nice to have shaven legs now. So soft. How I miss you Kaitlin, and your molestation of my shaven legs. Get better soon so we may molest each other once again.

Day 135 April 20th

Off the Poop Stick Path at Point Pelee. More pictures here.

april 2006

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