Feb 09, 2005 22:12
Been a long time cause nothing has really happened for me in a while, just sitting around the house. This weekend was fun i had to work but then i went to Beagles house and we watched a movie and played some pool. Seans B-day was on sunday but he was on a retreat andhad the flu so i didnt get to c him. Then kondya he didnt come to school so i didnt get to c him there either. Called him after school and he was getting his license so I told him to come over later and we went driving which was weird but really fun. He supposed to be driving me to mt brightn on friday so we can snowboard but who knows if he is. I hav eot tlak to him about it and i have to c how im feeling casue i rally want to go but i dont know if i can if i dont go to school. anyways that covers my week cause i havnet been feelin to hot, probally wont be a school tomorrow but hopefully i will be on firday so i can go snowboarding!!
wow im obsessed with snowbaording or somethnig cause even though i have a 100 temp and i am killing my knee everytime i go i still want more! Its crazy but at least im gettin better everytime i go!