
Sep 01, 2005 15:01

i am so disgusted by this country. i cant imagine what is going on inside people's heads. what the hell. there are so many things wrong with our country, i am surprised every day that it just doesnt collapse. are you happy, republicans? this is what you voted for. this is the "leader" you wanted. it isnt just this president, i know. it is every president for the past fifty years, who has failed us. our forefathers didnt want this. this is not what they signed us up for. we have people suing others at the drop of a hat, hoping to get rich off some stupid lawsuit. kids dont play outside because their playstation's dont have a cord that reaches that far. our healthcare system is a mess. we are going to reach a critical point when there is no oil. no oil for cars, no oil for electricity, no oil at all. the u.s. is the country doing the least out of any superpower of the world. in europe entire towns are being powered by huge windmills. here in louisville, we have one of the greatest natural resources for power, and we arent doing anything to speak of with it. the river. we should be working on technology that would allow us to live oil free, but we arent. wy not make louisville an example? why not test the waters here? WHY CANT WE GET THE BALL ROLLING?

i sit here, in my nice house, with my nice laptop and realize i am no better than anyone of the rest. i am just saying what everyone else is thinking. i live my priveleged life and drive my car and waste just as much oil as the next person. but why ant this all change? why cant we fix what we have screwed up? why cant we try?

p.s. on a personal note... are you scared of me? or just scared of needing me? or perhaps is it that you are scared of ADMITTING that you need me? either way i am very tired of waiting for you to figure it out. s.k.h.
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