Aug 03, 2004 16:36
My callback last night went really well. Even if I don't get cast, that will be okay because i was just that pleased with my performance. Sall Bowles is such a stretch for me that being able to do it semi-decent is an accomplishment. I'm happy.
They called back 5 girls for Sally (me being one of them, obviously) and then 10 girls (plus the five of us) for the Kit Kat Dancers. They are only taking 6 Kit Kat Girls, so about half of us won't get cast. I know I won't be cast as a Kit Kat Girl because there were atleast six girls there who were much more attractive than me and MUCH better dancers than me. And with the longest legs I have ever ever seen. However, I think I might have a shot at Sally. Which would be so weird. Unfortuantly, I think my fat body and face and defnitly working against me on this one. But thats okay. If I don't et in then I can just audition for Into the Woods. And that would be fine by me! Oh, and if I do audition: Robin! We need to work together. Because you need to try and look younger and I need to try and look older. SO, I was thinking we could coordinate outfits or whatever. I'll need your help for this one. =)
Anyway, the said they would let us know by the end of the week whether we were cast or not. I'm kinda scurred.
I miss you, Lauren!!!!
Oh, and my apologies for all the LJ drama. I still seriously dislike CIndel, but i have nothing against William or Katie!