Hopin’ That This Moment Could Be Frozen In Time…

Mar 16, 2008 23:25

This past week has been quite enjoyable I must say! Wednesday Amy, Dustin and I went to Chinatown and got koala yummies! Talk about a childhood flash from the past!

Thursday I came home and that night I went out to an improv night at Ashbury’s with Manda and Seany which, I must say, it was sooooo amazingly funny!!! It was great to spend time with Manda as it was, but as a whole it was just a great time… complete with some kid hitting on me and gay Seany pretending to be my boyfriend. That in itself was hilarious.

Saturday Brig and I got to go out for coffee with Mike and it was doubly great because he initiated it this time! That’s right, he texted us! Insane I know… After that afternoon I realized that I’m really eager for all of us to be together again every day for a month, but deep down I’m also afraid of that because there is a chance that it won’t live up to my hopes. Along with that is the realization that the older we get the farther apart we’re going to all get pulled by life and it just a really sad/scary realization… Man I’m scared about this summer.

My mom’s birthday was fun, and she liked my card and present :-). She keeps pushing the “don’t worry” button and its driving me nuts… let’s hope she brings that thing to work.

D&D turned out to be a bust because Kat (and in turn jeff & spike) decided to make dick moves and scream/yell at/bitch us out for not ordering them food… Man I hate confrontation. Mind you it was announced that we were ordering from Grassano’s and they didn’t respond, so how were we supposed to magically know to get them something? Let alone with the money we didn’t have (we were literally counting change…) Furthermore, they were being rude and turning the TV way up all night so we couldn’t hear each other, so seriously… What brought about the magic rudness towards us? I don’t know.

Let’s see what else… I did my photo shoot with Joe using the medium format camera from Hell. I just can’t wait to use it again tomorrow! *eye roll* *deep breath* it’s a learning experience… I’m just going to leave it at that…

At any rate, after being up til 2 last night, waking up at 7 this morning, and fighting all day with a stupid camera, I’m going to bed.

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