Dec 23, 2009 09:00
- 12:09 Writing more sex toy descriptions. Not a bad job. #
- 13:26 RT @V6ughn: @loveUduckydoo ever run outta adjectives? -----> NEVER! #
- 13:29 Done with today's descriptions. Good thing. Cuz I'm under the weather today. :( I need soup. #
- 19:30 Using my fried brain to sit and do mindless work like cleaning out my old laptop and ensuring that my new laptop has everything it needs... #
- 22:18 Just made plans to have a get-away with the husband in April. New Orleans. #
- 23:01 Ok. I was mildly effective today. Despite being under the weather. Perhaps tomorrow will bring great things? I think so. Nite shark feet. #
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