Feb 22, 2012 04:48
- Wed, 06:11: In almost exactly 8 months, - On the day after my 17th birthday, I will see this woman In the flesh, Giving... http://t.co/oiprBvlJ
- Wed, 06:15: @ MrMaxAdler gave me all the feelings tonight. Just. These waterfalls down my face. #glee
- Wed, 06:21: Glee tonight: all the feelings.
- Wed, 06:21: Getting Madonna tickets: even more feelings.
- Wed, 06:21: All this homework: all the creys.
- Wed, 06:22: Getting my Madonna-esque monocle: :DDD
- Wed, 06:22: @ LolPotterhead dropping a Tupperware box down a rain gutter: all the lulz
- Wed, 06:24: I can't be the only one who seriously bawled when it seemed like Karofsky had actually killed himself.
- Wed, 06:24: Also, Quinn. #screaming