Mar 13, 2006 16:00
So I need to blow off some steam from today. Mostly from band class. but hey why not recap my day as well if anyone really wants to know what I've been up to.
Haha so only like half my USAP class is taking the AP test and almightly Brice whathislastname isn't taking it. haah I'm only jealous because people always ask him quesions and he always challenges Engle and stuff and always ends up being stupid. Oh and I totally don't remember anything from the chapter I just read. Yay! Stupid politics of the 1920s. Anyway. Finally got my study book for the AP test horray!
In Physics we did a lab and well it went well at the time...found out our precent error is all crazy and we'll have to redo some of it...sigh
then at lunch Karen spilt Michael's drink all over everywhere...his food, his pants, my notebook...everywhere...though she was only recoiling madly from a bug in her bread >.< Though Michael was depressed after that so I gave him a banana-nut muffin to make him feel better.
Preclac was all stupid because the multi-color gangsta' crew was talking about betting and eating unnatural stuff. And well Megan thought it was entertaining in a stupid way...I ignored them and read while secretly taking pleasure in the thought that half of them will be in huge debts anf crap in 10 years.
Then horrible band. It annoys me that we haven't played together in over a week. I like playing as a group but noooo we just do sectionals everyday. But today was worse because we were doing sectionals with Mr. Shots. Friday had been nice when we were with him but today was awful. Please don't hold it against me that I'm hating on him right now. I know he can be fun sometimes and I'm sure he is wonderful in 1st and 3rd hour but I hate being with student teachers or any college music student in sectionals! I hate it!!! We were going over all the hard spots and I was trying to get it through to him that some of the stuff was just too high! I've never played a D above the staff before on the bass clarinet I don't know the fingering...I've hardly had to play anything above the staff ever! But he just doesn't understand that. He says it is my fault because I haven't been practicing enough. Grrr he just makes me sooo angry right now because I'm trying but he is acting like I'm just a bum. I've taught myself clarinet and it is sooo frustrating!! It also makes me mad that hardly anyone in Wind Ensemble practices but I get called out because I can't play in the 3rd octave of my instrument. But you know what really made me sad? That when I said I just can't get it to play that high he didn't offer any advice to how I can make that happen he just said " is your problem" oh my what a wonderful teacher!! I wonder if that is how he treats his middle school kids when he is teaching them to play an instrument. grrrOh well I brought home my clarinet and the music so maybe I'll practice...but it is just too depressing sometimes.
I still <3 5th hour. I like grading things and it gets my mind off of horrible band. w00t w00t another rant...I find it funny that I was bored to tears in Symphonic band when I got everything when a couple days of playing and now I'm struggling to get things under my fingers. Don't you just love those extremes? "hello welcome to middle school band revisted" and "Hello welcome to high notes and enumberable runs music". =sigh=
I can't wait till spring break. I really can't! It'll be nice to not have to worry about all these things and have to put up with all this stuff. I can't wait till high school is over so I can't stop worry about good grades so I can't get scholarships. I keep reminding myself this isn't it. I don't have to be hung up this much abotu high school because after a few years I'm never even going to talk about all this anymore. Next year Im not even going to remember any of these little things. well good for you if you cared enough to read any of this. Thanks