Nov 29, 2005 19:14
USAP- total waste of the day...we basically took chap. 20 and put stuff into catergories. He said it was because he didn't think most of had read chapter 20...hello if you wanted all of us to have read the chapter why not make the chapter quiz today?? I don't get this man...everything he does seems illogical.
Physics- started on motion graphs...yeah so I started my homework and I thought in my head "say what?" when I read the problems...I don't know if I did it right at all but oh well. I still need to do one before class.
Band- haha I don't know if my bass clarinet is working or if I just suck...but I"m putting hair through the instrument because I'm getting light headed...I feel like such a failure. I should be able to play it...i don't know why i can't
Lunch- I was happy because Brook was there! yay for having someone to talk to! haha you would think with Chan there I would but for some reason not so much...
Eng- I got all my questions right on my extra credit quiz! woohoo I have enough points now that i can get the half a letter grade up if I need it! I got the Great Gatsby in class. Woohoo an actual novel! I need to start my essay sometime O.o
Span- woohoo for Spanish day...haha I never speak. I got the highest grade on the quiz. haha I thought I had done bad. I love that McGuire has extra credit on her quizes! Though i don't understand this article i"m reading for homework right now...O.o Oh well I think i can figure it out maybe >.<
So I was going to give Molly a walk after school so I could get in some excercise but everyone was home for some reason when I got home and so I couldn't go without a whole bunch of questions. Mom didn't get dinner done till around 7...I was sooo hungry. Though Michael did get his computer fixed. Hehe Mom might leave her class pet Girble( that how you spell it?)Coco here...I heart Coco. I like feeding her punpkin seeds! I want one!!