TM #174- Would you kill another human?

Apr 27, 2007 12:42

Would I ever kill another human being?


Does it come as a surprise that I didn't stop to ponder, to deliberate, the idea?

I signed an oath. When I choose to enter the medical profession I studied the Hippocratic Oath, and swore to abide by it. I believed in it then. I still do. Life is sacred, and I will do anything in my power to protect that sanctity.

True, as a medical examiner I do not come across living patient often, but I see my share. I've stitched Jethro up on multiple occasions. When Abigail and Timothy were exposed to cyanide gas I looked after them. I constantly scold Anthony abut his diet. Every two years when the team needs to take physicals to prove that they are able to be in the field I am the one to conduct them. And Gerald, when Ari made his first appearance.

It is my job, my calling, to relieve the pain of those around me. Physical, mental, emotional.

So why do I so easily agree that I would take a life? Two reasons.

There are times when the pain that a person feels is so overwhelming that it crushes them. Humans have tremendous endurance, but when pain has no end, when one knows that it will continue forever and only get worse, it is unendurable. Some call it euthanasia, some call it mercy killings, and some call it murder. I call it granting the dying dignity.

It should only be a last resort, when there is nothing left to be done and the morphine isn't helping and all that the person has left is a life time of chronic pain.

If anyone ever asked for my help in this regard I would have to search my soul, to determine if it was truly the only avenue left. And if it was? I would help them.

A doctor who believe in euthanasia probably doesn't come as any great surprise. But I said two reasons, didn't I?

I remember, vividly, the first time I realized that I would willingly take the life of another human being. Ironically it was the man I was contemplated who first said the words out loud. I didn't know how serious I was when I asked if I could have a turn attacking him with the dissecting tool.

I think not, Doctor. You would kill me without hesitation.

Ari. The bastard was right. Though I might not have killed him for my own sake, I would have done it for Gerald. If I had been able to look into the future I would have done it for Caitlin too. To protect my family I would do anything, even kill.

Would I have regretted it, as Ari predicted? Perhaps, but one can live with regret. Living without friends, without family, is so much harder.

theatrical muse, prompt

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