this is all i need to get by

Feb 05, 2007 10:37

Past few days amounted to an interesting, semi-relaxing weekend.

I went to the movies for the first time in a month, which is almost like a crackhead finally getting a hit after 4 weeks of withdrawal. It felt so great just to sit in the big seats in front of the giant screen, watch preview trailers, and eat movie theater popcorn with cherry coke. Ahh, comfort.

I saw Smokin' Aces, which wasn't boring but wasn't fantastic either. I'd say rent it if you plan on watching it at all. Michael BluthJason Bateman was the best thing about it, if only for that 'knock it, padlock it, and put on a chain' thing and the women's underwear. I can't really remember most of the characters' names, being that there were TOO EFFING MANY of them. A surplus of stars does not equal a fantastic movie, sillykins.

Saturday hardly happened. I slept till about 3:24 pm. I had been up until 6am the night before. I don't know why.

Sunday I ignored the Superbowl's existence which may be un-American of me but honestly I don't care unless there's a party involved and delicious buffalo wings and tons of snacks, but there wasn't. Instead, Sean and I got waffles again and I got too hyper after 4 cups of coffee due to Ihop's never-empty coffee pot deal. I started quoting Greedo and pointing said coffee pot at Sean as if it were a blaster. Then we played about 6 rounds of Scene-It? and I won 5 of them with my masterful movie trivia skills. He actually might know a bit more about films than I do (or more genres, for I don't care about the ones I don't watch), I'm just good at games. After that we made smores in the microwave. Mm, smores.

February is of no use nor importance to me, and I wish it away as quickly as possible. Please go by faster, you useless short month. All you are to me is work, work, work.

For spring break my family is going to Vegas. Which is awesome and not awesome at the same time, due to the family thing. I'll still have fun, at least I can get into all the casinos now.

School followed immediately by work tonight, but at least there will be a new episode of Heroes on my DVR waiting for me when I get home. :D
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