Jan 24, 2007 01:31
Yep, it's official.
I'm now a Heroes fangirl.
I'm only up to Episode 10, so I don't want to comment on stuff you're all probably ahead of. By tomorrow I'll be all caught up and it'll be glorious. Woo woo. This show is fucking intense and occasionally it scares the shit out of me. I really shouldn't watch it late at night in the dark by myself like I continue to do. But it's so, so so good.
And I've accepted Peter Petrelli as one of my many husbands, alongside Matt Bellamy of Muse and Jim Halpert of The Office. I'm not even sure if I like Milo Ventimiglia himself but his character is so bloody intriguing and adorable, with a semi-emo haircut. Hah. I love it. I keep wanting to know more about his power, and what he'll be able to do once he can develop and control it. He's like Rogue from the X-Men except he can have sex without involuntarily killing a person. Which is good.
The whole "Save the cheerleader" thing made me laugh a little, but I still like where they're going with this. It's put together really well. My feelings toward the series pretty much mirror the way I felt during LOST season 1. I'm super impressed, intrigued, on the edge of my seat, and occasionally freaked out. This show is perfect catnip for a Superhero loving comic fan like me.
And once again, I feel like a complete ass for passing it up at Comic-Con this past year. Every year I always miss something that I later become a huge fan of. I skipped the LOST panel before I became a fan, I keep on missing The 4400 panel, I skipped the Serenity panel before I became a fan. Sheesh. I need to make better judgements. I hope the show comes back to Comic-Con this year. They probably will, like how LOST comes back annually. And I will so be there for Heroes this time around.