(no subject)

Aug 13, 2004 15:42

For some reason my msn messenger is in dutch.....

I totally don't understand what is wrong with me. I think i repel guys. I've been around the world and nothing you could say or do would really surprise me i don't get embarrassed very easily anymore i'm a lot more mature. But when it comes to guys i'm still that 13 year old girl that has no idea what to do..

There is this one guy that i think is so cute. I don't think i would want to go out with him but i just think he's really cute and i swear both of us do everything to avoid each other. Before I went to europe when ever he said hi i couldn't reply because i was so shy my voice would crack and everything. It's this way with all guys i seriously just can not talk to them. I took years to just be able to talk to the guys sylvia and i sat with at lunch in high school. This little problem is really starting to drive me up the wall.
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