Jan 10, 2008 10:41
im so terid, i havnt been sleeping because benny has been having to sleep with me. i love my son but after he went to bed was my alone time to kinda i dont know BE ALONE. and Adrian hasnt been home for two weeks now. ive been working a lot which you know i work with toddlers and babies all day and then come home with benny sleep with benny its like im taking care of someone 24/7 and never get a break. i dropped going to school this semester because on the mornings that i was going to school i was closeing there for benny would be at school from 730-630 and i really thought it was unfair for him to be there for 11 hours. that really would be hard on him, and i just didnt want to do that to him. so im kinda upset about that, and i dont know i just am at my witts end. ive been trying to keep the house up, and take care of everything eles bills, etc etc and i dont know how some people do it all alone because im falling apart. This week has been like going by so slow and to top it off i think im getting sick, i got this head cold and i have this shooting pain going from my ear to my head to my neck and starting to get a cough. my period was late, i wonder why prolly all the stress which stressd me out more because it was late anyways just venting other that all that im good haha