Week off

Mar 24, 2009 09:52


Unfortunately, I couldn't afford the ticket to Boston so I'm here at home, pretty much bumming around, getting my head on straight after a rather stressful week, especially after the SFIV tournament at the school that I mostly ran. Kinda makes me want to run another tourney and kinda not.

Pokemon Platinum is out. I have it and I've been exceedingly geeky about it since.

As for other vacation stuff, I plan on going out for the occasional walk since the weather is pretty nice. I could use some fresh air, and my new glasses make sunlight much more bearable on my eyes.

Waiting for my chance to go out and get the new old Pearl Jam album (both the album and the Rock Band DLC hehe). I've always had issues with Ten's sound and mixing, so maybe the remaster will fix some of it.
Baseball season is almost here. YAY! About 75% of my TV watching per year is baseball (the other 25% or so involves House and re-runs).

Still kinda sick. Coughing once in a while. It's annoying but I don't feel as terrible as I did last week.
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