I have been tagged! Oooh, my friend, deejay, has tagged me with this really cool meme! And, this means, I can also tag people, hee hee!
a. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
b. tag seven people to do the same
c. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"
a. ONLY seven? Okay...
1. I am anal-retentive to the degree that my DVD's, cassette tapes, video tapes and CD's are alphabetized, and my bookshelf is alphabetized AND divided into Fiction, Nonfiction and Religious sections.
2. I didn't used to collect ducks, but once I started going by the nickname "ducky" on the Internet, friends started giving me ducks, and I started collecting them (I used to collect pewter unicorns). I still have the original ducky from my webpage, which was given to me by my best friend's daughter for my 38th birthday.
3. I am terrified of large, hairy spiders. They are the one living creature than can frighten me enough to make me run out of a room.
4. I only cry when I am very sad or extremely pissed off. So, if I am crying, and no one has died, you had better be prepared to run like hell.
5. I have an exceptional ability to recall things. This makes me absolutely wonderful at Trivial Pursuit. I have been able to recall incidents in my childhood that occurred when I was only about a year old or less, and once perfectly described the back yard, kitchen and living room of an old house we lived in to my mother, who was astounded, because we had moved away from that house when I was just one year old.
6. When I sleep, I have to have my feet sticking out of the bottom of the blankets.
7. I bite my nails, and have done so since I was three years old.
b. And now, I must tag seven lucky people! I tag:
kaidysoft ,
sweetcheri ,
halfrek2 ,
tiggz ,
paksenarrion2 ,
lostexil ,
chrismarlowe Tag, you're it!
hugs from ducky