It's all the rage, everybody's doing it, and so did ducky!
You Are a Gingerbread House
A little spicy and a little sweet, anyone would like to be lost in the woods with you.
What Holiday Food Are You? In other news, those of you who heard about the break-in in the other apartment in my building (long story, scared witless for a few days, 911 call, lotsa scary) - the police have captured the perpetrator during the commission of another crime (purse-snatching/assault), and he is now incarcerated, where he will remain due to the fact that his own mother will not post bond for him. He has a previous prison record, and between the newest crime sprees and parole violations, he shall be put away for quite a while, so our neighborhood will sleep better at night over the holidays.
Also, I would like to say here that my friend Deejay and her sis, Candy, are created completely of awesomeness, with a whole bunch of fantasticness thrown in for good measure. They sent me the most lovely Christmas gift, and thrilled this little ducky to the gills (or upper bill, since I'm not a fish and don't really have gills).
At some point this weekend, if I survive our annual church Christmas Massacre Cantata, I shall post a regular, lovely, mushy, gushy blog about my holiday wishes for the world. But, in the meantime, I am going to be a little tied up with rehearsing, plus I still have to get out and buy cookie stuff so I can bake some cookies. So, if you hear unearthly howls coming from my area of the country, and see a lot of thick smoke, it's only me, singing and baking.
Hugs to all