Latest "House" Review - DUCKY ON STRIKE!!!!

Nov 13, 2007 00:02

Also posted to Myspace:

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Latest "House" Review - DUCKY ON STRIKE!!!!
Current mood: determined
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities

That's right, my friends, ducky would like to take this opportunity to express her 100% support of the Writers' Guild of America Strike. Since the writer's aren't getting paid enough to write, I see no reason to "plug" the shows that do not pay them enough to write. So, Mt. Studio Executive, if you happen to be peeking in - SUCK IT UP. I will not be using my blogs to generate any further interest in your attempts to employ slave-wage labor and keep all the money for yourselves until you give the writers what they deserve for creating the wonderful and compelling dramas that I would like to be able to say that I will be watching.

Now, some of you may be saying, "ducky, old girl, does it really make a difference? You know that only maybe five people read your blogs." Yeah, well, let's just do the math. If I can convince those five people to support the strike, maybe those five people can convince five people each to support the strike, and they can convince another five people, and so on. We can all refuse to promote the shows until the big wigs pay the writers what they deserve to be paid. Heck, for all the free pimpage they get on Myspace, the execs should be paying US, too. It's called a snowball effect, and I'm always up for a good snowball fight!

So, if you're missing my reviews, support the writers. They are the ones who give me great stuff to review. Without them, I am just a plain old aquatic waterfowl with webbed feet, like all the other ducks in the pond. You can use my userpic to show your support if you want, too! Or, do what my dear sister duck, Paths Crossed In Space did, and decorate your whole page in strike colors and create an original strike supporting userpic!

hugs from ducky

-Walk tall and carry a BIG picket sign!
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