Apr 19, 2005 22:59
well, this was supposed to be my weekend part 2, but i have other stuff on my mind right now that takes precedence..note to all, this isnt supposed to evoke any emotion from anyone exept myself, its my journal, you dont have to read it if you dont want...dotn think im expecting anything from you when you chose to read it in the first place...
why am i so fucked up? why do i push the people i care about so far away from me? what are you supposedto do when the only person you really feel you can lean on pulls away telling you that you are too difficult to deal with? if the person that swears there life to you tells you that they cant deal with you, what does that tell you about yourself? it seems that im a pretty fucked up person. i dont know how to handle myself, and i guess im too expecting of other people to know how to deal with me. all in all i know that this has really fucked me over this time. im losing one ofthe only things htat is truly important to me. he's dissappearing and i dont know hwo to get him back with out hurting him further. oh what a fucked up catch-22 life i live....