Hi again everyone!
Well, I'm home for the summer, and a couple of my goals for the summer have to do with this LJ. One, to bring back the hilarious and well-loved PB and Jane cartoon strip and make it a strip that I update here twice weekly. So watch out for those guys comin' back. Secondly, and more importantly, I am going to make sure that all of the work I did second semester ends up on here over the course of the summer. So it's time to start on that specific goal right now.
This is the third out of four paintings that I did for my Intro Painting class. We were supposed to do a painting involving light, and that's basically anything you want since light has to be a part of every painting (otherwise, how would we see to paint?) so I thought the assignment was kind of dumb in that regard. But the other thing that made this particular project annoying was that it had to be at least 36 inches either length- or width-wise. I made mine a square, just to be sure, 39 inches by 39 inches. And we also weren't allowed to use photographic references, which made it even harder because you had to make sure that everything stayed perfect from week to week. But enough of my complaining. Onto the painting itself.
So, as you can see, the painting itself really has nothing to do with light. I kind of fudged it. A lot. I did light the rose (which was a dried up rose that my roomie saved from her boyfriend's Valentine's Day bouquet for her) with a spotlight, but the light in the classroom was such that I couldn't get it dark enough for the lights and darks to really pop. There were other problems with this painting, too. One of them was a stylistic one-- I was determined to make this realistic, but my style turned out to be all loopy and flowing instead, so I just went with it. Which fed into my second problem-- someone completely tore apart my still life a few days before this was due, so when I came back to work on it the whole thing was pretty much gone. (Despite my "please do not touch this" sign. Some people can be so polite.) So, when it came time for me to really work on the background (which was already a pain because it took up so much paint) I had no basis off of which to work. So I looped and swirled it, giving it an almost water-like feel... but loopy swirly water. Oh well. Under the circumstances I guess it came out okay.
So that was a lot of explaining and complaining for one painting. I promise, my next and final painting is a lot better. I'll probably update with that tonight, so stay tuned.