Apr 15, 2007 13:05
Which in the minds of some means I'm not a fan 'cause, you know, you're supposed to be blindly grateful for the carrots of potential squee dangled in front of you.
Y'all know pretty much how I feel about that.
So...after six(?) months I watched part 2 of The Quest and honestly, the only thing I'm worried about is What Happened to Baal??? Seriously. We saw him go down and then nothing. Are we supposed to assume he's dead? SG-1 certainly didn't bother to check. Sure, he's a Goa'uld, but he's HOT. You don't just leave an asset like that behind. Or, if you do, leave me his address.
And while I'm bitching about SciFi, WTF is up with changing Dresden's time slot for TWO eps? I missed last weeks ep and I'll miss tonight's season finale because of the change and will the network suits never learn that jerking the watching public around does not make for good ratings or good will or anything else good? (don't answer--that was rhetorical)
Talking about scifi (not SciFi) and poor scheduling--why do we only get one or two new Supernatural eps and then weeks of reruns/preemptions? Again, does not make for building a large fan base. The hard core fans will be there no matter what, but even they will get frustrated. Or maybe that's just me.
As to House--I haven't posted reviews of several eps lately. Not because I don't like the show but I'm just swamped with other stuff. Sure, some of the eps are proof that the writers are on drugs/in need of Soap Opera Addicts Anonymous but so what. House is my weekly crack. I enjoy it even when it's shark jumping in clown suits and Steve's driving the boat.
Lost...haven't watched an ep since it returned from hiatus/changed time slots. I find I don't miss it either. But give my love to Sayid if you see him.
And, um...."Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" Sad that I get excited because I know the answers, isn't it? But I am. I was totally thrilled I actually remembered what a supplementary angle is. But why is it that all the woman competitors I've seen so far all look like (former)blonde airhead cheerleaders? (no offense intended to blonde cheerleaders who aren't airheads.) Are they trying to prove (?disprove?) the dumb blonde stereotype?