Cape Breton Lullaby

May 31, 2008 21:24

When I was in high school, I sang in the choir for a few years. The choir always had many favourites, but one of my personal favourites was the Cape Breton Lullaby. It wasn't remarkable, but something about the words and the tune really captured my imagination. Although I've been on the shores of Nova Scotia, I have never been to Cape Breton - but I can imagine what it's like.

At the age of 15, I said to myself, "one day, when I have a child, I will sing them this song to sleep."

And now, that day is here. Ever since the first day Joshua was born, I have been singing him this lullaby. I don't sing it every day. Only when he is fussy, or needs some comfort. It calms both of us down.

Cape Breton Lullaby
Driftwood is burning blue, wild walk the wall shadows,
Night winds go riding by, riding by the lochie meadows.
On to the ring of day flows Mira's stream singing:
Caidil gu la laddie, la, laddie, sleep the stars away.

Far on Beinn Bhreagh's side wander the lost lambies.
Here, there and ev'rywhere, ev'rywhere their troubled mammies
Find them and fold them deep, fold them to sleep singing:
Caidil gu la laddie, la, laddie, sleep the moon away.

Daddy is on the bay, he'll keep the pot brewin',
Keep all from tumblin' down, tumblin' down to rack and ruin.
Pray, Mary, send him home safe from the foam singing:
Caidil gu la laddie, la, laddie, sleep the dark away.

I hope one day, the two of us can stand on the shores of Cape Breton together and watch the night winds go riding by.

josh, bss

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