Driving Miss Daisy or Driving Behind a Snowstorm

Dec 27, 2002 18:05

It's the morning after a snowstorm and you pull onto the highway. In front of you, is a little corolla, driving at 40kph, with his windshield still covered with snow. Slowly (and you're not going any faster - in the passing lane!), lines of snow begin to melt on his rear windshield. You wonder, how can someone drive on the highway with his rear winshield covered with snow?? Is Grandpa really going to be able to see in between those melted lines?

Next lane over, you pull behind a huge ass SUV. You can bet it's some high powered chick CEO CFO CXO or MOFO behind the wheel. She's going 130kph on unplowed road and oops guess what she forgot to clean off her car when she pulled out of the driveway after delivering her kids to their nanny. Suddenly, it's Ice Storm 1998 again as the snow (little flakes and CHUNKS of semi-melted snow) hit your car. Your wipers can't go fast enough because the snow's coming at you faster than that SUV.

Take your pick: crawling corolla or snowstorm SUV?
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