I would like to do a New Years entry, but I haven't managed to get in the mood.
For reasons!
- All the important New Year-ness is at the end of the summer. Rosh Hashana, but also the beginning of the academic year, and going back to school after a long break. That's when the big changes happen for me and the new leaf turns over, and I get in the mood for Resolutions. (Sadly, American Jews are weird and my family's a bunch of religion-scoffers, so no one I know feels quite the way I do about Rosh Hashana - so every year starts with a familiar-kind-of-lonely. Next year in Jerusalem?)
- This is an unseasonable time to celebrate a new year. Spring would have been a good time to put New Years, but winter's a dried-up-and-withering season. There aren't any leaves left to turn over, the grass is yellow and the ground is muddy with yesterday's slush.
- ... especially this year, because I'm still working on my thesis, so I can't even clear my figurative-or-literal desk and start fresh. And the big project next semester will be Honors Exams, which means next semester will bring a lot of going over old notes. And the big event next semester will be graduation, which is also a backward-looking event. After that, yeah, it'll be warm, there will be flowers and skirts and grass and warm, fresh air a lot of new-and-exciting-ness... but we're not there yet!
Nevertheless, New Years is a good holiday for blogging. Last year I wanted to make resolutions (because it had been so good for me to measure myself against my
2006 resolutions) but I never quite did (there were
reasons not to). I think I'll give resolutions another shot this year. I actually really like the thing I had going on in
this entry and LKS's in
this entry. So I'm working on lists and resolutions.
Thing is, I'm also working on my thesis, and I have to go do that now. Lists are on their way! Really!