Oct 24, 2005 03:56
EIther or Madness! I haven't done one of these in a while. I think they are called Memes. Thats what I heard. I dont know about that name though, reminds me of scary clowns. You know the kind that actually look scary, not the crying ones you kind of feel bad for that symbolize a society of happy go lucky people as far as they want to be presented but deep down are suffering something simple or maybe even something tragic. Awwwww
British Actors or Actors with phoney british accents?
The Anikan Obi wan talks about in the original trilogy or the Anikan Skywalker in the prequels?
Good characters going Bad or Bad characters turning good?
Big Boss or Solid Snake (Solid snake Solid snake, can you hear what im saing?)
Optimus Prime or Rodimus Prime?
Star Scream or Megatron?
Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Will there be Cake or Will there be Pie?
boasting befor or after you've done something?
Wakeing me up befor or after you Go Go?
Beowulf or Eomer...HEY Better yet. Beowulf and Eomer Teamed up agaisnt King Arthur and Lancelot in a TExas cage match no DQ...yah that would be awsome.
Music or Silence during scenes of Drama (Though I guess everything on tv is pushed as a drama these days)
Waste of yoru life or just yoru time? o_o;