Oct 02, 2005 19:59
Man oh Man am I bored, guess thats a good enough reason to post as any right? Hmm lets see.
I saw most of the sessions of conference. No new revalations so thats good, im not quite ready for the world to end or to prepare for the ending of the world. Or was that the kind of thing you were suppose to be ready for every day? I forget, revelations is wild, WILD I SAY! The Unitied States is the promise land though, or was it Juruselum? Yah I think it was Juruselum...Israel? There have been so many chosen lands through out the years dude! "The Father sent his only son the way the Truth would come to them but there was no room for him in the world he came to save"
FOX is getting more and more annoying, sorry its on the tv and I Have nothing better to talk about. Simpsons isn't funny anymore and the dramas are just lame. Whats with the HOUSE show. A bunch of incompotent doctors in a house or something? Me and my sister are makeing fun of it right now. -HOUSE! "YOU want me to operate on a kid to save his life..on my break!" a mans 15 minutes are on the line "You dont need a break..that kid does" How can one choose. "I NEED MY 15 MINUTE BREAK I NEED A COFFEE ON MY BREAK!" HOUSE! On FOX!-
Lost is pretty werid, I've only seen two episodes as of now. I think they should only count as one since they seemed exacly the same. What boring twist that the long haird guy from the stadium flash back is the guy in the shaft. That guy looks like such a whimp to. Well I guess as long as you have a gun you dont have to look tough, or crazy. Aww man, I wanted it to be a tough scary guy in the shaft though. Thats really a downer.