(no subject)

May 11, 2007 20:46

I'm trying to think of something to post since my last post is pretty old and kinda dull. And nothing is coming to mind except an idea to post about things I want to do before I graduate:

1)actually make ones of the videos that I come up with
2)get my drivers license
3)cook a really complicated recipe efficiently
4)put together a book of my doodles
5)memorize at least 2 poems
6)pantomime or/and go slowmo the whole day long for one day
7)blow up something
8)go to a restaurant with friends really late at night
9)create a headbangingers union at a party
10)actually write to Ripples and tell them I can lick my elbow
11)take candid pictures of all of my friends
12)go to a store with a friend and put on a fake accent and pretend to shop (Ikea soundsideal for that).
13)make it through a whole day with no sarcasm
14)write a play that only contains lines from songs
15)watch Little Nemo again to see if it still scares me to death
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