I write the Sunday posts for the
Ross-Blakley Law Library Blog. I'm trying to make a point of always posting something a little off the wall and hopefully kind of funny that's still law-related.
Since I'm constantly looking for ideas, I'm opening the board for suggestions (note that I need to stay fairly neutral politically), and I'm also making this a sticky post so that I can write down some of the things that I come across.
- Ten of the best bad lawyers (as decided by The Guardian): http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2010/jan/02/charlesdickens-janeausten
- The Green Bag: An Entertaining Journal of the Law: http://www.greenbag.org/
- I want to do a profile of Mr. Slant (of Morcombe, Slant and Honeyplace in Ankh-Morpork), probably around finals, when the students are feeling like zombies themselves
- Other fictional lawyers? Are there any good sci-fi lawyers I should read about and then profile?
- Are there laws regarding the end of the world?
- Weird laws (particularly of Arizona, but anywhere else works too)