Another year with no mental breakdown.. close, but not yet.

May 13, 2005 13:37

This year went by too fast. And god knows next year will be faster..

Things I enjoyed this year(no particular order):
ICC summer meeting/pep rally
...>shopping with the gals and guys
...>the parade/being GH sweet<3 /the game/ winning 1st place in class float
...>going to the dance with danny/friendship with Austin even closer now

Via Colori with Jaime
Halloween party- nooooodlles! bam-flour!
Ice skating/ hanging out with marj and geoff
Birthday party
Danielle's party
FSU field trip- the bus-ride-home chat.. oh the greatest chat..
art class= <3
friendship with Ben
art locker
getting mail/sending mail
getting a car
hanging out with my girls
math competitions
honorable mention in county art show
another plastic star for my shelf

Things that sucked this year:

unforgiven grudges
several friends having to move
hurricane ivan- traveling, cleaning up
Bowden--- RIP
getting over things
suffering from near mental breakdown
christmas break
other.. things.. don't really feel like telling you all about

neutralish things:
no boyfriend still :/
I never found an asian for my pocket

meh, yeah.. yay for junior year- I have a feeling next year will be better considering the sucky stuff this year. I can't wait for football season- much fun. And prom.

Summer homework: english, physics, and history- history is ok.. english shouldn't be to bad.. but for physics, its due before school starts and i have to outline four chapters... so I have to have it done before I leave at the end of June..

Yay for no german homework!!!
Erica is a froshie next year. *evil grin*

Meh, that's all for today... *shrug*
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