Jan 18, 2006 13:29
well i guess i will start w/ when i woke up the first time around 4 00. i had felt really shitty. took some miaol, went back to sleep. i don't no what haqppened w/ my alarm clock set for 6 20 but then next time i woke up was 8 00 when my dad said "allison it's 8 00" i responed w/ a "shit! i got finlas" so i got ready in 3 min got out the door drove to school in like 15 min in the snow i would like it add. so some pretty speedy drivin. got to school had to park far off in BFE. a janitor let me in the parking lot door. he asked jokingly if i was a terrorist i said no , he was funny :) . and then i went up to economics class. it was like 8 25 when i got there. she was fine w/ it and all so that was cool. the test was not that bad. after the test i wanted to go get some food since i had nothin but a pop tart sence 5 00 lsat night. then i relized all my money was still in my car. so that sucked. went and took my english test, felt worse like like i was gonna die or somthin. waited around for about a 1/2 hour after the test dreaming of food. then when the bell rang i went to my car w/ the full intention of going and getting food, any food i did not really care what it was.
i was so pissed so i call my mom on some ladys house phone cuz i of corse left mine on the charger at my house. my parents come they r in a shitty mood especially my dad. so i have been there for like an hour waiting for my parents / waiting for my tire to be fixed. all my friends that new how to change tires were busy. so my parents finally get the hang of it and stuff but they can't get the screws off (i forget what they r actually called) cuz they were twisting the screw taker offer the wrong way. so yea nick talks to chris marsh and chris come over and chances it for me and puts the fake spare tire thing on. then we drove the car to bell tire. in all this time i had to pee very bad, was very cold, very crabby, felt very shitty, and was very hungry. fially i got home and after 19 hours w/ nothing but a pop tart fianally eat some food! i had left over lasonia and i was sooooooooooooooo happpppppppy.i was singing to myself while eating it. yea that happened like 15 min ago. i also took a hot shower so after that stuff i felt much better :)
so i guess i have had my crappy day for this month or w/e sorry to be very complainish. next entry will be happier. oh but on the plus side i am very lucky to have friends who r welling to help me out like this so thank your chris and nick( who would have helped if u were not busy). once again sorry about the entry. i am notuaually a person that complains constantly this entryjust happens to be like that. so hopefully tomarrow will be better. at least the two finals i took today went decently. english i think i got an A and economics i am thinking a B- or C+ so that is pretty sweet.