Jun 01, 2007 11:20
I've come to the sad realization that not only is my life really sad and boring...(Typical day as follows).
1.) Get up at 7 or earlier...get ready, review chem, maybe iron/clean work shirt or hospital shirt.
2.) Go to chem lecture
3.) Go to chem lab or workshop
4.) Go to work or volunteer
5.) If I can get off early enough get food and other necessities, do laundry, clean, or cook dinner...if not just find random stuff to eat
6.) Do chem homework/reading for 3-4 hours...depending on the day
7.) Try to go to bed as early as possible to get up the next day and start over again.
...but I also have multiple people scream, rant, rave at me every day for attempting to do my job/volunteer. Makes me kind of hate people in general and my pretended perkiness fade.
On the bright side of life, I get to see Clarkish today!