The tiny teddies go marching two by two, hurrah! hurrah!

Jun 05, 2008 18:28

No more massive weighty exams until early November~ *\o/*

Thank you to everyone who wished me luck and helped me during my difficult time... :D *hands around plushies and gives an especially big big BIGGGGG cuddly Aiba plushie to
snoew who was in jail with me XD*

Anyway, handwritten meme here.... click for full size if you can be bothered to read my grafittied page =P

And a bunch of pictures me and my friend took today while we were studying for maths exam...

The tiny teddy packet had so many happy tiny teddies in it :Db

These tiny teddies were very happy. Tiny teddy love <3

All except for one sad, sad tiny teddy. The tiny teddy he loved was already taken. He was heartbroken.
Ignore the smile on his face. He SHOULDN'T BE HAPPY XD

THE END. Because we ate them all.

Random picture of Ohno, because I love him. And really, that dorky face... *grins madly* ♥

Nino... somehow made his way into this post. HE'S SNEAKY, THE IMP IS. SNEAKY I TELL YOU.

Icon post coming soon. I promise! *hides*

*nino steals hearts, *arashi is sparkles & gaiety, too cool for school, pic spammage, *ohno has pretty hands, meme

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