The Chip & Dale soft toys I received from my fans.
Do you get it?
This cuteness!! *laughs*
Please get it!! *laughs*
When I woke up this morning the typhoon had cleared!!
Everyone, were you alright?
The wind is strong so be careful.
Being Together (≧∇≦)
Today I went to the photographing for magazines 『Popolo』 『Digital TV Guide』 (-^〇^-)
It was the first time in my life to ******** (≧∇≦)
It was a good experience (*^o^*) I definitely want you to see~ (b^ー°)
Speaking of things I want you to see!!! From today, finally, my 2010 calendar is on sale in all bookstores nation-wide and on online stores too (^з^)-☆ Chu!!
是非来年からは部屋に1つ☆俺をめくってほしいですo(^-^)o共にすごしてほしいです(≧∇≦) (Some sentence I couldn't translate without it sounding relatively seedy lolol. Pretty much just saying he wants you to buy it. Which I totally want to ;__;)
When you see it, I hope you tell me what month's picture you think looks good (^∀^)ノ I'll be waiting ♪
Members from 2 (≧∇≦)
** Ouji refers to Koushounin 2 as 2 thoughout this whole entry, so I left it as such.
Yesterday the shooting for Koushounin 2 went until late at night so I wasn't able to update my blog (ρ_;)
It's something that I always do, so it's kinda unpleasant (;_;) But at the actual place my own rule is not to touch it so I couldn't (≧ヘ≦)
I'm sorry to those who were waiting (-^〇^-)
The start of Koushounin 2 is gradually drawing nearer \(^ー^)/ I'm looking forward to it (b^ー°)
It also seems that the rebroadcasting of Koushounin 1 is approaching, so those who haven't watched this kind of drama, please watch it (o^∀^o) Because it's a terribly interesting drama V(^-^)V
The photo is with Tsukaji-san (Tsukaji Muga, from comedy duo Drunk Dragon) who became a new member of 2 together with me (*^o^*)
I'm delighted he remembers me from the short time we appeared in Shibatora V(^-^)V
Because we're participating from 2, it's easy to talk to him o(^-^)o
He's the most awesome person (^w^)
Look forward to Koushounin 2 (*^o^*)