I think I'm as good as dead. Wait, being dead would be depressing, then I can't flail over it again xD LMAO, YES. WHORE!SHO AND... bondage!Ohno xDD where are you going to get the money to buy Sho? Oh wait, there's money in his pants. Now I know where from ;)
See?? You know what I mean :D First I was lie OMG AIBA IS A WHORE!! a lil later. NO, SHO IS A WHORE :D damn I got caught :P but you're right he is expensive
I saw the scans and OHMY SHO!!!! is a whore!!! O_O Can I buy him? :P
Aww you have a lot of magazines!!! Awesome! :D
magazines = me having no money ;___;
SuJu's comeback = same situation for me..
It's sad being a poor fangirl ;__;
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