Finally getting this post out of the way.
OTP pictures from the Saiyuki musicals only, because I still haven't watched the manga :( And also because I've had these screencaps for ages, but never could be screwed to post them XD
I honestly think they could have done a better job regarding the cast for Hakkai. Oh well, I have no qualms about who they chose for Sanzo, except maybe his singing voice and the fact that he really does smoke, but that's okay because he looks amazing as Sanzo :D
Some random moment, where Hakkai must have said something that resulted in embarrassed!Sanzo :D
Apart from the occasional scene where Sanzo and Hakkai spend some quiet time with other, contemplating who knows what, the musicals had two my most memorable Sanzo / Hakkai moments: Hakkai asking Sanzo his stupid question ("is it really okay for me to be here?"), and Hakkai nursing Sanzo back to health.
The first scenario... they were too far apart!! On opposite sides of the stage is definitely too far apart, but then again, when juxtaposed with the next scene where Hakkai is fake-choking Sanzo, it makes the close proximity seem even closer and more significant :P
Anddddd (finally no more blue, night-sky lighting) some TLC from Hakkai for Sanzo...
*Sanzo tries to get up*
*Hakkai pushes him back down, albeit gently*
*Sanzo resignedly lies back down with a sigh*
And random imaginary scenario, because I really can't remember what happened here, and can't be bothered to look back XD
Sanzo: *pushes Hakkai down and stares at him* ............ *realises what he's doing and lets go, while trying to regain his composure*
Hakkai: U-um, Sanzo...? What was that all about?
Sanzo: Hmph. *blush* N-nothing at all.
And there you have it, my full-of-not-so-exciting-screencaps!Sanzo/Hakkai OTP post :D