Aug 08, 2007 11:35
So, for the past few days I've had this horrible sunburn that has kept me from sleeping a lot. So instead of sleeping I've been doing some serious thinking about things. Well okay maybe not serious but some random thinking. I was visiting a facebook group called "Where have all the gentlemen gone?" and I really began wondering.
Back in like the 1950's it was expected of men to act as gentlemen. Open doors, push in chairs, respect a girls parents, and so on. But today these acts are not as popular. The "popular" thing seems to be to have as many girlfriends as possible and "score" like it's all some twisted game. With lyrics like "Well I’m a hustler and a player and you know I’m not a stayer" it seems like the norm. However, I don't think this is so true. Or I should hope it isn't. The "nice" guy seems to be missing somewhere. Since when has it become uncool to be nice? I love nice guys! I love gentlemen. I don't think I'm the only one... Maybe I've watched too many disney movies... I don't know.
Now I'm not expecting prince charming and I'm no Snow White... But anyways... what happened to the gentlemen? Was there a mass abduction or something? lol. jk. Now I''m not saying girls are innocent in this or anything. I mean even I've fallen for the "bad boy" and that could give the impression that you have to be "dangerous" to get girls. While yes girl's seem to go for these guys... a lot don't or like me did it once and kinda like if you touched a hot stove you won't do it again. Then there are the other girls who are so independant that gentlemen annoy them, These girl's I don't understand. I'm a very independant person but I don't mind being walked to my car. Yes I can walk by myself but it's still nice. I love the phrase "self sufficient damsel" you can slay the dragon yourself but wouldn't mind a handsome prince coming to rescue you.
Maybe I'm asking too much. I don't know. I mean as I said I'm not expecting prince charming but is it too much to ask for to have a nice guy? I think I've come to the conclusion that I've settled too much in the past. I think I'd rather be single than go for a guy that I have to settle for.
Okay before ya'll think I'm high maintenance I'm not. I just think gentlemen are amazing. I like being called beautiful instead of hott or sexy. I like to be walked to my car sometimes. When I go out with a guy I take time to look nice and I would like it if he didn't look like he just rolled out of bed. I don't know.... maybe I really am old fashioned but I guess it's ok if I am because we all like different things. Some like looks others like abilities. It's all personal preference.
I don't know. I guess I want you guy's opinion on this because I really don't know what to think. Am I asking to much? Are there gentlemen out there? Any other girls like this? Or are there any girls who find these things insulting to their intelegence? Do you have any explanation to why its suddenly out to be a nice guy or girl and in to be a "playa"?
Sorry this is so randomly deep I guess I am a pretty deep person sometimes.
Love you all. Especially those who had the patience to read this entire thing.