Our Love Is Serious...er + Massive Amounts of OC Art

Mar 26, 2009 23:44

Omg photos! Real ones! Not drawings! There's actually dolls up in here! D:

After sharing my journal with some friends earlier today, I felt a bit sheepish that they didn't really get to see any dolls till almost the second page. Doh! So it got me in the mood to photograph some of my Pullips. I ended up with photos mostly of Dai and Minerva but we'll start off with a couple of "off topic" shots :'D

Here's an old shot I found of me an Lance dressed alike while I was still at school :O Why'd I never share this?!

Again in black and white but this time because the lighting in my room is just not cut for color photos. I took quite a few and the only one that turned out any good was the solo shot of Dai.

Sorry for the grain in most of the photos. -A-;

In addition to the actual photos I suppose I'll share some art as well. I'm contemplating turning this journal into just a flat out original characters journal given a few reasons...
1) I've had so little time to do anything with the dolls themselves.
2) I have way more OCs involved in the original story line I had started or otherwise that I can't even conceive of purchasing dolls for.
3) I feel bad that I haven't been sharing a lot of what's been going on in my mind in regards to all of these characters in the place that they essentially originated.
I dunno... what do you guys think? Bah... here's the art anyways.

Dai gave Felix exactly what he wanted for Christmas... which is not something Dai will fess up to having enjoyed :'D

A little watercolor doodle of Dai and Felix as children. Granted Dai was never actually a child.

This is a scene after Felix has been assaulted and Dai takes care of him and promises revenge (which I pretend he got because he can't actually get it :'D ).

Another piece of Felix and Dai.

Dai wearing the ring Felix had given him for Christmas even though they were going through a separation when I drew this.

Felix during the separation... he had some issues. Including interesting wardrobe choices.

Lately I've been doing sort of journal doodles of Dai's subconscious dialogues after various events with Felix. This one was just after he ran into Felix after their separation where Felix confessed his love for Dai and awkward silence followed.

Dai ended up in Egypt after another fight with Felix and though he was scared to face becoming a father *again*, he couldn't help but go back.

Slowly but surely Dai will realize he loves Felix... and eventually Minerva and Nita as well... and that Lucifer was wrong. But for now he thinks he's starting to hear things.

This here is Horatio Deva! :D He's new! A little Indian boy (with antlers!) who plays butler/maid/housekeeper/body guard for a character named Froth played by my girlfriend who plays Felix along side my Dai. Anyways I cracked Deva out with some cross dressing for the lulz.

Here's Deva in more typical attire and with his pet Scottie, Duke.

Here's some linework of Deva 10 years older. MMm he makes a handsome man. <3

A few chibis... Froth by my girlfriend, Deva and Duke by myself, and Dunstan by our friend Crisscoula.

A couple of chibis of Lucifer.

An art nouveau style of Lucifer that I was trying out. :) I'd like to do some more.

This one was some coloring experimentation. I've been doing a lot of that lately.

Wow that was a lot D: Sorry I don't mean to spam you guys but I do a lot more art than I can doll stuff so it backs up. But I hope you guys enjoyed it at least!
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