It's been a while! I was going to post like, three hours ago but I decided to play
OREGON TRAIL instead! Just so you know, a year ago, that link didn't work for macs BUT NOW IT DOES. It wasn't as much fun as I thought it would be, though, because it is IMPOSSIBLE to hunt properly! I really thought more people would have died but only one person died and they died because I RAN INTO THE RIVERBANK. That's pretty good! I also made it on the top 10 board!!! I think I was like, fourth or fifth? Pretty dece, gotta say.
Since the chances of people reading this are very few, I won't go into how my semester has been and what not. It's been rough, tbh. I'm just about done and I, hopefully, can make it to May Term unscathed. Well, I will have quite a few battle wounds but they shouldn't be fatal!
Speaking of wounds, I found a bruise on my hip today! It was surprising but I suddenly had a reason why my side was hurting... Silly me, who looks at their hips, anyway?
Heritage Chorale concert today... I have to miss the Arties for it and I am veeery upset about that T_T... I really enjoy the arties and whatnot and I have to sing Dururflé's Requiem, Vaughn Williams' Five Mystical Songs and a bunch of Russian church music. My voice is a little tired and all that so I am not looking forward to it, even though the Dururflé sounds super neat.
Gosh, this piece on Pandora is sooo pretty! Sibelius' Symphony No. 6 is very pretty!!! I have no idea what movement it is because new!Pandora is a pain/doesn't work as well for me but what I'm hearing is pretty nice.
Speaking of Sibelius, Brandon and Evan tried to install Sibelius 6 for me and things did not work out. Sad existence. I was really hoping it would work out because I don't want to live in the music building forever, you know. I would have preferred to stay in my room or the library or any other place that ISN'T the Music Lab from Hell...
I was looking at old entries and they were pretty amusing. I make myself laugh (which is stupid, I know) but I enjoyed reading from November 9th until February. It was coming up to finals then, too, and then it went into Christmas break. What's funny is that in the November 19th, 2008 entry, I wrote about our orchestration project. Here's what I said:
"Oh, today we had our orchestration/arranging project read-throughs. We played 23 versions of the same piano piece. I think mine sounded really nice but only a couple people mentioned it as one they liked. The instrumentalists liked it more that the listeners (which, I guess I appreciate more). STILL, JERKS, THE REST OF THEM! They all liked the "popular" peoples' arrangments..."
I can't believe we had 23 people in that class! And the piece was muuuuch longer than this semester's class! Ridic.
I both want and do not want to put my recital on youtube but at the same time I'd REALLY rather not... I don't need jackasses telling me how I'm ugly or fat or sing horribly BECAUSE I'VE GOTTEN COMMENTS LIKE THAT BEFORE. I respond with a polite message, block and report the person for being an asshole. Just last week I got a message on youtube that said "YOUR UGLY AND ANNOYING" and I responded with "Thanks for your kindness - you're intelligent and delightful" or something like that (whatever I sent was better than what I just wrote, haha...) Anyway, I try not to let the comments about my appearance get to me (and I'm pretty much over it...) but I have not gotten any negative comments about my singing. I would sort of like to keep it that way... I want to share my recital and I want people to be able to comment but I don't want any rude people that will comment on my pitch or mistakes I make. If I was going to post it, I would feel that I needed to list all the mistakes so that no one could say anything rude about it because I've already covered all my bases! THEN IF I DO THAT, THEN PEOPLE WILL KNOW THEY'RE THERE IF THEY WEREN'T LISTENING AND I JUST ("DON'T KNOW ANYMORE!") CAN'T DEAL WITH THAT SORT OF THING!!!!!!!!1!!!1!
Daaaarn, it is WAAAY too late... Time for sleeeeeep. I have to get up earlier than I would have liked for a Saturday today because a friend's visiting girlfriend needs to use our floor's shower for some reason at like, 10 AM. Precisely, I hope, because I don't want to be waiting for this chick any longer than 10 minutes... Any time longer than that is time I could have been sleeping. I really don't want to go back to sleep but I might just be that lazy. I have stuff to do, though, so I hope I stay up!
I just remembered more things to talk about so I will list them super quick!
1. We have a mouse in the room! We haven't seen him but he chewed the extra bed post next to my desk. He also hasn't been back all week, so I am thankful.
2. I am siiiick! It bites! A cold! I thought Bliese gave it to me, but now that I think about it (because Michael pointed it out to me) it was probably Julie. It's fine... My nose just looks raw and I sneeze a lot and my nose runs and I feel icky all the time, like I'm going to faint or DIE or something... I'll get over it soon but it's REALLY horrible timing, just sayin'...