Sarah and I just spent about ten minutes laughing at lolcats. She found their poor grammar to be HILARIOUS (which it it) and I found her laughter hilarious (which it is) and... It was just fun. So, now I'm awake. I've been awake. I do not plan to sleep for a while. Maybe do some more reading... I did a good amount of things tonight. I got to sleep in, I did laundry, I read some more of Breaking Dawn (read #2) and I stopped because it was getting dull (because that's what the last part of the book does...).
I also practiced clarinet and can play
seven notes. Almost a full scale. I fixed my embouchure, too. This is good. I practiced violin. I can play a D Major scale and can bow too! I love tech classes.
I did not get any homework done (although I do consider learning two new instruments homework :P)
I am still staring at my not homework. I keep forgetting I have Monday off school. I am still going to work. I have some copying to do.
Oh, I am SO glad that I am not in University Band. Andrew reminded me how stressful it was. I remember last year crying and being upset (like normal, right? ha!). It's just hell. Maybe I could go help without playing percussion (WHICH IS SOOOO HARD) so Andrew doesn't get too overwhelmed...
WHAT AM I SAYING? I am being a selfless Bella again :P
Speaking of which, Casey started reading Twilight yesterday afternoon AND SHE LOVES IT. I am thrilled for her!!! Her family has a silver volvo (which I didn't know) and when she realized she was really excited! I love it. Another newborn to add to my list ;)
So far I have Sarah and Casey but if Tina reads it she will count too. I hope she does.
Oh, and about Midnight Sun... YES, I read it. SM put it on her site. I KNOW she is upset about it but I will OBVIOUSLY still buy it if she decides to do it anyway. This just makes all of her fans love it MORE. This was going to be my favorite book of them all and now I'm sad. NOW, I didn't read it until after she posted it, SO YOU KNOW. That doesn't make me any better, yes, but don't pester me.
I need to knit. The knitting bug has left me to be replaced with new instrument love, lol. Oh well. It will come back to me eventually... ;)