Yikes. Well, I'll be gone this weekend. Immediately after this is posted I am going to try and get a few hours of sleep before heading off to the train station. I never actually went to sleep so this is being posted while I shower... The video might take some time to load because it's probably still encoding - just be patient, please. :) I'm leaving my house at 3:45.... UGH. The things I do for you guys...
From 4:30 AM til 10:00 I'll be on a train. Following said trip I will be on another train for two hours to meet up with my roommate, Nicole. From there, I will eat lunch and begin my crazy for the next 72 hours. It'll be longer than 72 but I'm not including recovery from actually finishing the book. To be fair, I've been crazy for the last two weeks. I'm clinically insane. Yikes.
"Yikes," "shush," "ridiculous" and "psh" have been in my vocabulary quite frequently this past month. Interesting.
I've done two "How To" things for this post. Textual form AND video form... Textual form is annoying and too much information. Video form sort of FAILS, though... I am so sorry, lol. SO, because it fails I will direct you to another video with how it SHOULD be done... I, being a knitter, think it makes sense but others may argue with you... ;)
Casting On and the
Knit Stich.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAPJUjoukfM] SO... Sleep is overrated, huh? Yikes. I'll maybe post something tomorrow once I get to Chicago and find an internet connection. Brittany - feel free to post whenever you want - I'm sorry you're having so many problems with your camera :(
I'm going to probably be sleeping on the train. UGH. I wanted to finish New Moon a second time and then start Eclipse. I MIGHT NOT GET TO READ THEM ALL TWICE BEFORE GETTING BREAKING DAWN!!! What will I do with myself?!
I found out today that I get to spend Friday with Nicole AND TINA!!! She's one of my friends from school and we're going to a mall, lol. We'll have a splendid time ;)
If you actually read all of this next part I congratulate you on your patience. You don't need to but it shows where my mind has been this past month, lol...
How to Become Hopelessly Over Committed...to Numerous Things at Once
- Have a whole summer with nothing to do
- Join a blog/vlog project
- Get a job IMMEDIATELY after saying you have "all the time in the world" to commit yourself to said project
- Sleep in until noon
- Edit videos into the wee hours of the morning for project
- Think about project whenever you can because the new project love is there and happy
- Be challenged by book-loving friend and decide to read a book you claimed you were uninterested in reading
- Talk to online friend about said book and learn "how annoying" the characters are
- Procrastinate getting book because you JUST picked up knitting again due to Harry Potter knitting book you've been oogling all year
- Knit at work while kids nap
- Finish knitting project and search for "free online knitting patterns" online
- Find a knitting blog and vow to knit all the fruit on the website
- Spend three hours looking up knitting patterns online and print every single one you find
- Discover that your roommate is also about to start reading book
- Pick up book from bookstore and begin to read
- Buy a ton of yarn and new needles
- Read until all hours of the night for two days
- Knit an elephant in between reading book, sleep, work and food
- Proclaim undying love for fictional characters in book and spend next day in zombie-like stupor thinking about book
- Write a last minute blog post because you spent too much time knitting and reading
- Purchase next book in series
- Read book everywhere and get in trouble at work
- Knit a whale
- Finish second book in two days
- Knit a bird
- Go back to knitting website and ravage it
- Download a billion patterns and vow to knit every single one
- Purchase next book because you "can't live without having it that very second"
- Read until your eyes fall out
- Start to ignore facebook (which is outstanding)
- Finish third book and sigh in contentment
- Read chapter 20 again
- Start searching the internet for everything book related
- Find author's website
- Refresh author's myspace every two seconds at 11 PM to learn new quote of day
- Speculate what quote could mean
- Hyperventilate
- Multiply #'s 35-37 by 22
- Plan trip to Chicago for sole purpose of buying and reading next book with friend
- Begin week of hard core obsession
- Knit a ring
- Forget to blog
- Discover knitting website and join Twilight group
- Enter a t-shirt design contest
- Read 65 pages of posts to catch up on theories and gossip and junk
- Begin posting regularly
- Check page every five minutes to look for any updated posts
- Become depressed when no one has posted anything for ten minutes
- Check facebook
- Check group
- Sigh
- Repeat #'s 46-48
- Buy more yarn
- Buy beads
- Buy fabric
- Have "discussion" with mother about how many projects you have going on and how you do not need any more
- Reflect on past month and actually realize how many projects you have going on
- Become overwhelmed
- Write a How To list on how to become overly obsessed
- Sigh again
Love you all.... hope you had fun sleeping :P
~Love, Megan
PS: oh yah, this lolcat :)