I am the worst Thursday ever. Ha... I am so lazy this week... I've been so happy to just stay in bed until I absolutely HAVE to get up and it's not a good habit to develop so soon before I am to go back to school (in a month from yesterday). To be fair, I have a lot to do before I go back and practicing flute should be the top of my list. I need to be in top shape and hopefully a month will be enough to get me there. Gosh, I am lazy. Ugh.
Okay, it's actually Thursday morning now and I'm at church waiting for work to start and hoping that I won't be able to smell the blood drive that's going on today. I have a feeling that it hasn't started yet or that no one showed up. That's sad if it's the latter. I don't think it is, to be honest, the women in scrubs are just here by coincidence, lol.
I'm rereading Twilight again. I have around 16 days until Breaking Dawn - woohoo! I haven't gotten too far into the book because I've been doing other things but I have PLENTY of time.
My grandpa just roped me into helping him staple bulletins for Saturday and Sunday services. I only had to do ten minutes but it was okay. I put up a good fight (I needed to write this blog!!!)
I want to talk about Brittany's post for a minute and bring in my own thoughts about how I feel like I'm babied all the time... I feel it often, let me tell you! I've been in private school all my life (with much sacrifice - we're not loaded, no sir!) and we were okay with the freedom parts for a long time. That is, until we got uniforms (more so, Standardized Dress). Skirt length, plaid patterns and untucked shirts were the biggest concern for our assistant principal who got on everyone's case more often than not. She literally walked around with a ruler in her hand sometimes, haha! We were not allowed to walk across campus by ourselves (really, the only time we did this was choir or science as the rest were in our hallway) and were scolded when we lagged behind or jumped ahead. I understand the safety precautions, I do. I believe I was still in grade school when the Columbine school shooting happened and we had to practice lock-downs where we all stood in a fit of giggles by the sink. Not to make light of the situation (at all!) our teacher declared us "dead" because of our noise level. Happily, we never had a problem like that.
High school was much better in terms of freedom but worse in other aspects. I wasn't really bothered by the restrictions we had placed on us but in high school it was much different. I have to admit, my underclassmen years were not bad in terms of restrictions but the change happened when I was a senior. Our study hall was called seminar and the entire school participated. Seminar took on many changes through my four years there and it became stricter each year (even worse after I left, actually!) My freshmen year you only needed your planner and only had to have a teacher sign it when you left their room. Every time you went to the restroom you needed them to sign your planner (but no one ever asked you where you were going on the hallway - they weren't long enough for that, lol).
The next year they introduced seminar sheets which were the same as the planner but only one sheet of paper. You had the same sheet every B day (which was the day we had seminar) and needed to fill out everywhere you planned on going within that 90 minute slot. Usually you could get away with filling in something later and it wasn't a big deal if you were caught either. The next year they changed the sheets again and you needed more signatures, of course. I am pretty sure I never got in trouble for seminar but if you got in trouble during seminar you were "grounded" and couldn't leave. Sometimes the entire school was grounded (not for punishment but for other reasons I cannot remember) but I was always let out because I had flute lessons, haha. I was able to stay and goof around... Finally in my senior year they took away some of our travel time and made it "homework time". I never did my homework during that time because I would get it done in class. Now that I'm gone they have silent reading time for ten to fifteen minutes. PLUS they all lost ten minutes in all of their classes due to a shortened day. They also have uniforms (which I think make them look better) and the school forces you to sign in when you visit. I visit all the time and sometimes I forget to sign out, haha...
I guess that isn't showing much for my school's restrictions. We were not taught much about resumes but we were given pretty good counseling advice regarding college. We were a college prep school so I must say that the workload in high school was harder than in college. I was prepared for the academic sides of it. Still, for my desired major they screwed me over. I didn't need to take all those math courses but they made me. I could have taken theory - I wouldn't have had to retake it in college :( - I might have been on track! They need to allow for all options... Their sports students can do whatever they want.... *glare*
ANYWAY, back on topic - my parents do most of the babying. When I'm home I feel restrained to the house. This is very true because I DO NOT DRIVE. Right now the excuse is insurance costs... Before it was "time". I was busy in high school so I didn't have time to learn. When I needed to be able to drive my dad didn't want to teach me because "I wouldn't listen" which is bull crap. My uncle gave me "driving lesson" coupons for my sixteenth birthday but he's so busy that it didn't help at all PLUS my dad used that as an excuse yet again. So now I might just have to wait yet another summer. When it's time to do my student teaching I had better be able to drive/have a car or I am SCREWED.
Driving aside, I also look younger than I really am. I'm almost 21 years old but I look like I'm sixteen (I believe my age has gone up a little - last summer I looked thirteen, apparently...) I worry that I won't be respected as a teacher or that I won't respect myself. I need to start wearing make up. I don't usually have time in the morning to do it and I feel that I don't do it properly. I need to lose weight and look more "womanly". I need to develop a teacher voice rather than the happy-go-lucky voice I've got going on right now. I need to stop acting like a teenager... I NEED, I NEED. I need to do so many things to make myself older and it's frustrating. I keep having people tell me that I should be myself and not worry about acting older but that's not what society is telling me.
Oh, and to top it off my stupid boss doesn't respect me as a coworker either. To tell me that I don't care about those kids at day care is ridiculous! She hasn't said so much but she's so stuck up with everything that it wouldn't surprise me if she did. I think I might argue with her. She makes me so angry with her "you don't know anything" tone and her not wanting to leave me alone with the kids. It makes me so mad! She has no right to assume that I don't have the responsibility to take charge. I have watched five children at once (twin 2 year olds, a tantrum-ing six year old and two older girls with attitude). I've watched a very little baby with no worries. She has no idea. If she had a concern she could call my references to get an actual opinion rather than one just by appearances but that's too much work for her - I'm sorry to suggest it. Ugh. Sorry to rant, everyone. Can you relate with anything I mentioned? I hope so.
Well, here's my video - it's SO BAD. I shouldn't have made one but the damage is done...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9obUy_XkCE] My response to your challenge, Maggie. Three favorite things in the whole world... That's a tough one. I might have to think another week. Sorry to back out of a seemingly easy challenge but it will take some pondering!
Loves for the week!
~Megan / Thursday
PS: Here's a lolcat because it made me laugh... :)
PPS: I REALLY NEED TO PRACTICE FLUTE!!! I am so lazy with it that I am going to FAIL my audition in a MONTH! OH MY GOSH. What have I done?!