Jan 21, 2005 13:40
I got into a car accident two days ago and made a sorta kinda friend...I was so excited that the gas was only $1.81 that I had to write it down to remind myself for next time...and then i slowly lifted my foot off of the brake and haha tapped the girls car in front of me... no damage or injuries and no cops so i was safe...whoo...the girl was really nice tho and wears the same deoderant as me so we bonded for like 5 minutes...
Yesterday I went for my cat scan and had to drink almost a friggin gallon of barium...ew! then they laid me in the bed thing like in Garden State and injected me with iodine through an iv...greatest ever...good thing i'm not too scared of needles.
I should receive my results in a few days and surgery will be scheduled. i'm not nervous about it yet cuz Damian's friend Jessie had the surgery and she's super skinny...so i'm actually kinda excited cuz this ginormous belly will be gone soon and I won't have random people coming up to me asking me if i'm pregers.
Schools alright...I've gone back to wanting to be an interior decorator...and since the tsunami happened i've been wanting even more to go into the Peace Corps...so cool beans on that.
Not much else to say so peace out