Mi Vida Loca

Dec 24, 2006 14:56

So my life lately has been quite the party. My own party topping any memory of the past month and a half. It's crazy how things change so suddenly but then it also seems right at the same time.

So the past month and a half I been in riverside at least once a week, sometimes up to three times a week, or on the nights I'm at home I use the time I'm allowed out to drive the 40miles just to see everyone for 25 minutes then come back. I don't know what it is but I just love it. I love the fact that the L-Word does exist haha. With the exception that we are all still in school rather than already having careers, getting settled, and thinking about babies and shit.

T Bone- (Teresa) my fellow pioneer. Class of 04, played soccer together, worked at cold stone. we party at her house all the fucking time. I owe it to her for helping me embrace my gayness by introducing me to all the great people I've met recently. Karyn, Abbey, Sasha, Demi, Sam, Denise, Dez, Amber, Cassie, Vanessa, Katherine, Kate, Suzie, Crystal, Roslyn, Andie, Yvette, My new family basically. And of course my favorite gay couple Rudy and Jesse. Nour as well, she has taken care of me through all this. It's fun because once again im the "baby" of the group, so I'm being brought up only by the best.

I've experienced gay clubs: Arena, Tigerheat, Rage, Mickey's, and of course the best chick club, HERE and Truckstop!! Got myself an id and im rollin. Beer at bars is fuckin expensive wtf and plus tip?! its like $8 per Heini. or Corona. Whack. But whatever, nothing beats the environment plus the music.

This may sound bizarre but I really think not recognizing my sexuality in these previous years was the main cause to all my problems. Other than the usual not letting me out late problem with my parents, I have no issues with them, (haha other than they think im gay lol). My brother and I couldnt be better, he's my little buddy and we talk about everything ( with the exception of myself, he's too young to understand). My sister and I are eh. but still cool. I am a better writer, a better student overall, a better shopper even, my clothing style has changed yet again but for the better, I excercise on a daily basis on my own, I'm signed up for more marathons for the next three months, I'm not as dumb in conversations, I'm keeping in touch with a very wide variety of friends still ( my old cold stoners, Ivan, my class of 03ers, my softball teamates, Ashley, Charles whose in the Marines now :(, Lil Vic and Jessica in the Navy, my mexican posse, even Juan, Maribel, my aunt, the Leon Clan, everyone everyone). And the best thing about all them is that they all know, and I still have them.

Everything just seems right. I hope it stays like this for a while because seriously right now, nothing can come over my happiness. There have been a few mishaps and mild drama but its all been overcome. I'm in love with life.

Although I'm not entirely over my crush on Karyn [although I should because her ex from England is coming on the 29th for about two months, and that girl is oohh man, come on, an English accent, plays guitar, sings, and wears glasses?!? Ideal] I think you can say that I'm talking to Dez. It started when she came up to LA from Lake Forrest to hang out, we went to the Hookah bar and ended staying out until 430am. It was chill, she brought friends, I brought my roomate. After that she invited me to a Snow Patrol concert in march, got the tickets on my birthday. Then we celebrated our birthdays together of course at Tbones casa and bonded as well. Then finals week we talked everyday at the most random times. 8 in the morning to make sure we woke up for finals, 3 to find out how it went, to wake up from random naps, 4 in the morning to make sure we were still studying or me writing. It was cool

Then thursday we were both done, she came up to west hollywood so we could party and drink to celebrate the end of finals. Although there were issues with the others that were with us about going to the same clubs, we hung out at Gay Pizza after the clubs and she got me a cool Elvis shirt. I drove Tbone home to riverside that night and Dez waited up until I texted to tell her we made it ok at 5 in the morning. we both didnt sleep for finals so we fuckin knocked out haha. Friday night she came along with my aunt and I to maribels party and then went to truckstop. The club was so fun that night, we were each others dates I guess, but at the same time mingling , dancing, and drinking with the rest of the crew. The most fun night Ive had there by far! Everyone was there since it was Dez's last night at the club before Vietnam. After that she crashed at my aunt karlas with me. I couldnt sleep that night on the top bunk knowing she was there on the bottom bunk. Horrible horrible. Saturday morning, I cooked breakfast for us. THe FUCK?!?! Haha.

Saturday she went home around 12, when i left my aunts too. Then at 4 she drove from lake forrest to anaheim again to see Teresa, Nour, and I one last time for lunch. Then she ended drivingback yet again to my house for my family party. Teresa, Karyn, Jesse, and Rudy were here as well it was quite fun, they had to pretend to be my friends from ucla haha. When I went out to get Dez from the front of my casa, the hug was somethin else. and so was the hug goodbye. its those little things. The hugs, random texts, random comments, comments from others, the smiles, that makes me all happy. its cute. It sucks though because sunday she left for Vietnam, I got to talk to her randomly throughout the day and was the last one to talk to her before she got on the plane. And now she's gone for a MONTH!!!!

so sadly all i have is myspace....

here are some pictures....

the first night we remember meeting each other, (we met at the halloween party but she has no memory of it, and i have minor recollection) saturday night of the best weekend ever! sasha knocked my drink all over Dez haha..fate..fate

Sunday night partying for Andy's welcome back to Southern Cali from Sanfran... when dez took care of my drunk ass...

Our party, neither one of us remember taking this picture, but apparently we did haha

Thursday night before she left outside of gay Pizza, having a great time laughin at Nour's drunk ass!

just for kicks haha... I love Fagnoura!!

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