I'm so excited

Mar 23, 2007 10:11

"I'm so excited,
And I just can't hide it,
I'm about to lose control
And I think I like it. "

So get this Kraft called me back and they want to fly me out to Tarrytown for another interview and to meet the other engineers!They were supposed to call me back in a week and its been all of a day and a half. And today I have a phone interview with Anheuser- Busch for a Group Manager of Operations position in NJ. And for IOPP I got selected to go to the pkg student conference in Clemson!! This day is going great! O and after this interview Im going on a tour of the Michigan Brewery Co. Followed by joining Tahera on a bar crawl when I get back! :-D Things are finally starting to look up for me.
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