
Oct 25, 2004 10:24

Hannah was sick the other day. She woke up around 2 in the morning yesterday and vomited all over me, my bedroom, and the bathroom. I felt so bad for her. It kind of made me feel nautious throughout the day. Hannah didn't eat much yesterday, so she was up all night cuz she was hungry. Between the last 2 nights, I got maybe a total of 4 hours of sleep.. If I'm cranky, that's why. Hold it against me if you want to. I could honestly care less. Ok, on to different crap. There's this guy who is a complete idiot that is trying to create drama in my life. His ex-girlfriend is helping him. Its like come on people, I've got enough to deal with.. I don't need this idiocy. These people are my age, and they play stupid little high school games. I just wanna shoot them both! lol.. Seriously though, the guy (lets just call him "Kyle"), keeps accusing me of making up screen names and trying to talk to him on them. He needs to stop flattering himself! He thinks that I like him. He is fat and ugly, so I don't know where in the hell he would get such an idea. Him and his ex-girlfriend (lets just call this amazon woman "Amanda") have both made up sn's and have tried to talk to me on them. They've tried to get me to say that I like this guy, when I have Allen. Allen has a job.. Kyle sits on his fat ass all day and eats. He has no job, and neither does Amanda. I babysit my cousins as a job for right now, and they have the balls to say that I'm the loser with no job. LOL. All they do is talk shit about everyone behind their backs. You would seriously think that they are in HS.. Their mentality is sub-human. ANYWAYS, for halloween Hannah is going to be Dora the Explorer and Gracelyn is going to be a pumpkin cuz she's a fat baby.. Babies are cute when they're fat. The night that we bought Hannah's costume, I helped her put it on and she walked in fron of a mirror and says, "I Dora." I've never laughed so hard at her! I still have yet to decide what neighborhood to take the girls to. I'm gonna get going.. Gonna try to get Hannah to eat something.
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