Firstly, don't be worried! I love podfic, and I love these fandoms, so I'm sure to love any podfic from these fandoms!
Either explicit or non-explicit is great, but I tend not to be kinky? Or rather, the kinks I'm interested in reading are pretty narrowly specific, so I tend not bother looking for them and am just happy if I stumble upon them. THAT SAID, I don't mind reading stories with mild kink (like, some mild bondage, a little bit of bossiness/obedience, but that's about it?) But that tends to be more when the sex scene/dynamics are the central point of the fic? I don't mind other moderate kinkiness happening in the sidelines, if it's not the main thrust of the fic.
(That said, a few things I really don't enjoy: incest (including raised-as-related-though-not-by-blood incest), unacknowledged power disparity (or where the power disparity is badly acknowledged) combined with other kinks (As in, I don't mind boss/employee, but I don't like, boss/employee with BDSM, if that makes sense? But even then, only mild power disparity, because I don't like, like therapist/patient) and I'm not really into age differences (As in, canon age differences are fine for the pairings I list, and AUs that maintain similar differences and don't put one of them underage are also fine, but otherwise, I'm not a fan. And I'm not really into infidelity-as-kink, but it's fine as part of a story, (though I don't really read poly fic either) so long as the non-pairing partner isn't villified.
(Mainly, if you want to record something with kink, it's probably best to edge on the side of caution, I think. Though you might be able to check with a friend of mine if it's borderline? Depends on if you know my friends and which of them specifically, but that's might be an option)
As far as non-kinky things though, I am pretty much as open as you like. I love canon fic, I love pre-canon, post-canon, during-canon, I love tiny AUs where only one thing has changed, and I love AUs where they're all disaffected Upper-East-Side nannies, and everything in between. I am a hardcore sucker for a rag-tag bunch learning to trust each other, and found family dynamics are my jam. I'm a little shippy, but generally not in an OTPish way (or rather, I have my OTPs, but I'm generally fine with reading them with other people, though with Discworld at least I tend to stick to canon pairings) I love people brushing up against each other's rough edges quite a bit, and people who get stuck in their own heads too much.
In general, I tend to like happy endings (or at least optimistically-open endings, because some stories end with reconciliation instead of re-building, but we can trust (hope) the re-building will occur), but I don't mind if the characters have to work their way to that ending or if it's all joy and fluff from the outset.
My yuletide letters are all
here if you're looking for any more ideas about the kind of fic I like. (And my AO3 bookmarks (same name) and pinboard bookmarks (
here) are all things I've read before and liked, if you're trying to get a feel of what I tend to come back to)
With regards podfic-types, I am equally enamoured of just voice, voice+music, voice+music+sound effects, some new combination of things that you've just come up with, EVERYTHING. ALL PODFIC IS AWESOME. YAY
Anyway! CAN'T WAIT.