Apr 04, 2011 01:53
After panicking about the last copy of my ~perfect dress being sold for a whole night I went to the shop mid-afternoon & there were loads of them & I fit into a size 8. I managed to only spend £20 on drink in a London bar, & didn't lose a single thing on the train journey there or back. OK I guess I still haven't finished this essay, but it's one in the morning & I have 700 words down, plus plan (at this point I'd usually have around 300 & no idea what to write next).
I don't really understand what's happening. How can my life veer from crashing failure on top of crashing failure to everything going wonderfully & nothing being too much to handle so suddenly? Medication can't generate luck, surely. Maybe it can, who knows. I have a fair bit more essay to write but it's about how amazing I found Balka's How It Is so I guess that's OK.