Stealing from Hayley.

Jan 18, 2009 09:55

Spell your name with songs.
Gonna skip that.

-- Name: Christina Jane Mortimer
-- Birth date: November 27th, 1990
-- Nickname: Beatrice, um... Duckess, tis about it.
-- Eye Color: Blue
-- Hair Color: Not brown but not quite blonde either.
-- Zodiac Sign: Sagittaurius

-- The shoes you wore today: Some fuzzy slippers.
-- Your weaknesses: Lack of motivation.
-- Your fear(s): Drowning, zombies, getting lost.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Get married, have two kids, not fail at everything, have a house with lots of pets.

-- Your best physical feature: My eyes
-- Your bedtime: Between 9-11 pm.
-- Most missed memory: They definately change depending on what's going on in my life now.

This Or That...
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonalds or Burger King: Both are repulsive.
-- Adidas or Nike: Nike.
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla-- I get sick of the chocolate two bites in.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: *gag*

Do You...
-- Smoke: Never.
-- Curse: Moderately.
-- Take a shower everyday: Try to. It often works out to every 1.5 days.
-- Have a crush: They come and they go.
-- Want to go to college: Definately there... and avoiding my homework.
-- Want to get married: Yes!
-- Think you're attractive: Sure why not.
-- Think you're a health freak: Um, I drink soda and eat sugar. But aside from those two diet vices, I avoid most unhealthy shit and get 30-60 minute of daily activity.
-- Get along with your parents: With one of them, about 75% of the time... or 60%.

In the past month...
-- Gone to the mall: Yes.
-- Kissed someone: Meaningless pecks.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo's: I would have to throw up if I did.
-- Eaten Sushi: Yeah.
-- Been on stage: No.
-- Been dumped: No.
-- Gone skating: No.
-- Made homemade cookies: Yes! Surprisingly.
-- Gone skinny dipping: No.
-- Stolen anything: No.

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes
-- If so, was it mixed company: Can't remember. I think so.
-- Been beaten up: No.
-- Shoplifted: Never.

-- Age you hope to be married: 25, it would be nice.
-- Number of children: Either two or four, but since most of society works around the two kids and two adults, I'm leaning towards two. Uneven numbers are hell.
-- Describe your dream wedding: In Hawai'i, though I've never been. On the ocean/beach, at sunset. Though that's a bit unoriginal. Maybe at a zoo. That would be more fitting for me I think. A zoo wedding followed by a honeymoon in Hawai'i. That's it.
-- What country would you most like to visit: At the moment, um... Italy.

In the opposite sex..
-- Best eye color: Blue/green.
-- Best hair color: I'm open.
-- Short hair or long hair: Which ever they can pull off.
-- Shorter or taller: Taller though not significantly so. I'd like him to be a bit taller than I'd be if I were in heels.
-- Best weight: Fit.
-- Best articles of clothing: Dresses

-- Number of tattoos: Nada.
-- Number of piercings: 2, earring holes.

Personal Quiz
Who were you with yesterday: lol, Rachel, Jeff momentarily, and Lesley.
What woke you up this morning: My internal alarm clock that refuses to let me sleep in past 9.
Where are you: Dorm room office. Though soon I'll be in the lounge trying to read the remaining 300 pages of Dracula I'm avoiding.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day: I'd hope so, I've only got one two-hour class then I'll probably go back to reading Dracula. It's a good book really, but there's just a lot of it, and it's terribly odd.
Did you kiss someone today: It's 10 am, who can say if I will or won't?
Do you like anybody: They come and they go.

Ever thrown up in public: Yes, twice in a row actually. But it was Friday night, passerbys probably just assumed I'd had too much to drink.
Passed out because of alcohol: Nope, you have to be SUPER drunk for that to happen.
What's on your mind RIGHT NOW: I'm so fucked. I'm suppose to read 300 pages for tomorrow? It's impossible.

What kind of home would you like: Honestly? Just a nice one with lots of windows and light and space. Though space doesn't mean big, I just hate cramped spaces. Not in a city, but very near one (city driving is terrifying). That's about all I require.
What do you want to be when you grow up: Deep down I want to be professional animal lover, though that isn't realistic. I just want a job that lets me feel like I've achieved something at the end of the day, but isn't too stressful or soul sucking.

When was the last time you fell over or ran into something: Excluding when I fall over because I'm drunk, the last time I ran into someting was when I ran into our solid wood bathroom door. Proud, proud moment.
Do you listen to music every day: No.
Do you still go trick or treating: That was sort of forcibly ended this year.
Last thing you ate: Honey nut cheerios.
Whats your favorite type of soda: Coke or Sprite.
Have you ever moved: Twice, but if you count moving into rez, thrice.
What do you want to do right now: Go read in the Nitobe Memorial Garden.
Are you listening to music right now: No.
What's a quote that you love: " 'It's the most glorious rainbow ever!' 'Do me on it!' "
How long 'till your birthday: 11 months.
What time is it? 10:20 am.
Who makes you mad: My room mate, she's so self-involved ALL the time. I know most people are, myself included, but while I, like just about everyone, can sometimes see a world outside myself... she does not. Example: on Friday night, she gets back at 3 am, slams the door behind her, turns on her bedside light which is shining in my face, leaves it on while she takes a shower (not to get clean mind you, just to warm up) and she finishes, gets into bed, turns off the light and goes to sleep. While I'm so mad I stay up until 5 until I finally angry-cry myself to sleep.
Summer 2008: Travel, death of a wonderful dog, and a puppy.
Honestly, do you miss 2007: Honestly? I can't remember what happened.
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