Patrick's Secret Crush

Apr 14, 2009 20:18

Title: Patrick's Secret Crush [2/?]
Author: duck_revolution
Characters/Pairings: Pete Wentz, Gerard Way, Patrick Stump/Kevin Jonas
Rating: PG
Summary: Patrick is jealous of Pete Wentz, and not for the normal reasons, he's jealous because Pete met the Jonas Brothers... he would like to say he knows this makes him sound like a 13 year old girl... he is aware of that fact
Warnings: nothing much besides the obvious being slash
Disclaimer: You really think I'd be writing slash if I owned anyone mentioned? Definitely not, I would live with them in a house with no doors... basically none of this is true
Authors Notes: The Jonas Brothers are the latest victims of the Patrick/anyone and everyone thing i seem to be doing at the moment.

Previous parts: Part 1

X-posted at jonasslash, peterickfics and slutrick
(the thing is posted at my journal, will be left unlocked though, click the link under here :) )

Pete's apologising and Patrick knows that he should be looking at the younger man who is in front of him, he knows he should be apologising and possibly offering to buy him new jeans because the ones he was wearing looked like they'd be ruined. He knew he should be doing something but he was equally aware of the fact that he would probably be reduced to a blushing, stammering mess if he was to look up at him. He isn't entirely sure when he became a 13 year old girl but he'd like his balls back please. Some time soon would be nice.

Somewhere through the repeated apologies from Pete and the murmurs of people around who were beginning to realise where they recognised the three men causing the scene he heard the Jonas Brother laugh.

Patrick had found that calling him Kevin just made the dreams it worse so calling him the Jonas Brother was easier, plus he could be talking about any one of them.

He wasn't sure why he looked up, knowing he'd not be able to hold up a conversation and would probably be caught staring at some point, but he did.

He really wished he hadn't.

You know the way when you're younger and you get a crush on that one boy in high school that you'll never get? And what makes it ten times worse is the fact that everyone else knows you would never stand a chance with them even if they were remotely interested. The way your high school mind builds this person up, puts them on a pedestal and makes them out to be some kind of God, only to have those thoughts dashed when they open their mouths and they're actually an idiot?

It was nothing like that.

Patrick was pretty sure that Pete everyone was looking at him. Really hoping that he wasn't blushing or something equally embarrassing he smiled at the taller boy.

Later Patrick realised this was the second mistake he'd made.

Kevin The oldest Jonas had returned the smile and said something to Pete, who said something back to him. Patrick was starting to zone out and he knew it, as did Pete probably. He tried to stay alert and listen to the conversation but couldn't help but feel slightly left out. Like if he wasn't there they'd be fine and probably half way to the till to buy another coffee and talk about the times they'd met previously.

Patrick really hated this whole jealousy thing. He'd been told in the past that it didn't suit him, though that only confused him; when did jealousy ever suit anyone? He supposed that some people must just be better at hiding it than others, he wasn't sure whether he was or not, he'd never really had a reason to be jealous before. Ok... he'd been jealous of little things like the kid who got the latest game or something but nothing like this.

It wasn't long before he realised that he was once more being dragged along by his wrist. Most people might not like it if they were to be transported this way but Patrick was used to it. He seemed to just let Pete people do what they wanted until he they got bored and he could do what he wanted.

After being hit on the back by the door he realised Kevin the Jonas Brother was watching them. This did nothing to help the butterflies that seemed to be having a party in his stomach. He wondered briefly if butterflies could get drunk because they seemed to be having a hell of a time in there before realising this was not the most important thing there. He then also realised that he probably looked something like a giant doll being dragged behind a particularly enthusiastic, oversized kid.

He was surprised when he realised that Kevin the Jonas Brother was also being dragged by someone, who appeared just as enthusiastic and childlike as Pete. This made him feel slightly less like an idiot and maybe he could remember this without banging his head on the wall repeatedly... he highly doubted that though.

fall out boy, jonas brothers, slash

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